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About Noah's Ark | About Us | NOAH SARK19
Our Summer Sale is here! Noah’s Ark
About Noah

About Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark berdiri bulan Juli 2019 oleh Esther Widijawati beserta tim Omega Custom Printing ,
diawali dengan kecintaan terhadap hewan dan kepedulian terhadap kesejahteraan hewan & manusia.

Noah's Ark was established in July 2019 by Esther Widijawati and the Omega Custom Printing team,
begins with a love of animals and concern for animal & human welfare.

Visi :

Mendukung segala upaya untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran mencintai fauna & menghargai alam Indonesia

Support all efforts to foster awareness of loving the fauna & respecting the nature of Indonesia

Misi :

1) Menyajikan Konsep cinta Fauna & Alam melalui desain kreatif & produk jadi.
2) Bekerja sama dengan organisasi yang mendukung "Animal Welfare" di Indonesia melalui kegiatan edukatif & interaktif

1) Presenting the Fauna & Nature love concept through creative design & finished products.
2) Cooperate with organizations that support "Animal Welfare" in Indonesia through educative & interactive activities